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COVID-19 Guidelines
May  20, 2021

Dear St. James Parishioners,


Blessings to you as we continue to celebrate the risen Christ!  I have been delighted to see many of you returning to the weekend Masses. It is great to be back, isn't it?


It is with great joy that I share with you the decree from Bishop David Konderla on restoration of our Sunday obligation beginning this weekend, May 22/23, with the Pentecost Masses.  Naturally, changes will occur.


For those of you who are concerned about returning to Mass, we will continue to have areas of social distancing and masks can and will be worn by many.  You are invited to join us at either St. James or St. John and are welcome to sit in the roped off sections of pews. Also, for the foreseeable future at both parishes, the priest, deacon and/or extraordinary ministers will wear a mask while distributing the Eucharist at the Saturday evening Masses. At these Masses, those receiving on the tongue will be asked to receive last, as has been the practice.  Other changes include:


  • Areas for the vulnerable and social distancing will continue to be available in the roped sections of pews at all Masses at both parishes.

  • Sunday 10:30 am Mass and the 1:30 pm Mass in Spanish at St. John will be on Facebook “live” during the Mass - but not saved for viewing later.

  • The Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 am Masses at St. James will move back into the chapel.Saturday at 8:30 am will remain in the church.

  • The Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 am Masses at St. John will move back into the chapel. Wednesday 5:15 pm Mass will remain in the church. We will no longer live-stream daily Mass.

  • Thursday, 11:00 am Mass at St. John for the vulnerable will cease - please join us on Saturday evenings.

  • Reinstated practices include:Bringing the gifts to the altar, the sign of peace, the use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and social receptions to name a few.

  • Groups and events may resume gathering as they did prior to the pandemic.


For referral, Bishop Konderla’s decree is here: Decree on Restoration of Our Sunday Obligation as are the COVID-19 Policies and Procedures. The Bishop and my desire are for everyone to return to the Holy Eucharist - "the source and summit of the Christian Life".


            Please continue to pray for those directly affected by the pandemic, especially those with COVID-19, those in the hospital, the healthcare workers, and all of their families.  I appreciate your prayers for myself and Fr. Carlos.  We are praying for you also.


In the service of Christ,



Fr. John and Fr. Carlos


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