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Lent a Season of Renewal

Lent and Holy Week Activities and Schedule

As the Catholic Community of Bartlesville reflects and prepares ourselves to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ, there will be many opportunities to pray together, worship together and deepen our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 
We will have celebrations at both St. James Catholic Church and at St. John Before the Latin Gate Catholic Church.  Locations are noted on each entry.

Community Lenten Mission

Michael John and Mary Poirier
Sunday, March 3 thru Tuesday, March 5, 6:30 pm
St. John Before the Latin Gate Catholic Church

Sunday - Michael John will sing and tell his story, followed by Adoration. Confessions will be heard during Adoration.

Monday - Mary will share her testimony, followed by Adoration.
Four priests will be available for Confession during the time of Adoration, until all have been served.

Tuesday - Michael John and Mary will speak about our relationship with the Virgin Mary and her help in our conversion of faith, followed by Adoration. Confessions will be heard during Adoration.

Child care is available during the Mission.


Wednesdays during Lent

Every Wednesday Starting February 21st

4:30 Confessions followed by 5:15 PM Mass - St. John Before the Latin Gate


This year's Lenten Reconciliation Service will be during the Mission on Monday, March 4 - the Mission begins at 6:30

St. John Before the Latin Gate


Also Saturday's at 4:30 pm at St. James

                          and 4:00 at St. John

                          or by appointment



Fridays during Lent @ St. John

Every Friday Starting February 16

- 5pm - 7pm (Fish Fry at Fr. Lynch Hall)

- 6pm - 7pm (Holy Hour)

- 7pm (English Stations of the Cross)

- 8pm (Spanish Stations of the Cross)

St. John Before the Latin Gate


Special Live Stations - 7:00 pm Friday, March 8

         (no Spanish Stations that evening)


Click here for an online option of
the Stations of the Cross


Holy Week, Triduum and Easter Services


Palm Sunday

Saturday Vigil, March 23

5:30 PM - St. James Catholic Church

5:00 PM - St. John Before the Latin Gate

Sunday, March 24

9:30 AM - St. James Catholic Church

8:00 AM; 10:30 AM; 1:30 PM Spanish - St. John Before the Latin Gate


Chrism Mass at Holy Family Cathedral, Tulsa

Tuesday, March 26 - 5:30 PM


Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper

Thursday, March 28

7:00 PM English - St. James Catholic Church

7:00 PM Spanish - St. John Before the Latin Gate


Good Friday of the Lord's Passion

Friday, March 29

3:00 PM - Stations of the Cross - St. James and St. John

7:00 PM English - St. James Catholic Church

7:00 PM Spanish - St. John Before the Latin Gate


Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter

Saturday, March 30

8:30 PM Bilingual Vigil - St. John Before the Latin Gate


Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord - The Mass of Easter Day

Sunday, March 31

9:30 AM English - St. James Catholic Church

8:00 AM; 10:30 AM; 1:30 PM Spanish - St. John Before the Latin Gate


Divine Mercy Sunday

Saturday Vigil, April 6

5:30 PM - St. James Catholic Church

5:00 PM - St. John Before the Latin Gate

Sunday, April 7

9:30 AM - St. James Catholic Church

8:00 AM; 10:30 AM; 1:30 PM Spanish - St. John Before the Latin Gate



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